Month: August 2023

Questions You’re Afraid To Ask: Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, and Beyond! (Ep.38)

Questions You’re Afraid To Ask: Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, and Beyond! (Ep.38)

Stocks, bonds, ETFs, oh my! What’s the difference between all these anyway?

In this episode, Austyn Whittenberg discusses the difference between stocks and bonds. Austyn also emphasizes the importance of diversification and having a combination of both stocks and bonds in investment portfolios. 

He also delves into the difference between actively managed and passively managed funds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and highlights the benefits of each.

Austyn discusses:

  • The pros and cons of stocks and bonds (+ how to find out which one is best for your needs!)
  • What it means when an advisor says they are passively vs. actively managing investments and which one you should ask for in your next advising session
  • Getting the most bang for your buck!–Everything you need to know about ETFs
  • And more



Connect with Austyn Whittenburg:

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Dow, S&P 500, and NASDAQ (Ep.37)

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Dow, S&P 500, and NASDAQ (Ep.37)

You may have heard the term S&P 500 or NASDAQ thrown around when discussing diversifying and growing your portfolio. But what do these index funds mean for your portfolio?

In this episode, Austyn focuses on three major investment options and explores what questions clients often don’t think about when it comes to the Dow, S&P 500 and NASDAQ. He dives into how each index has unique characteristics and serves different purposes within investment plans.

Austyn discusses:

  • Why clients should learn about the Dow, S&P 500 and NASDAQ
  • How each index fund is calculated as an investment asset
  • What are the differences between the three index funds and how do those differences impact investment portfolios 
  • Why the media focuses on Dow over the S&P 500s consistent performance
  • And more


Connect with Austyn Whittenburg: